
Showing posts from May, 2021

All aboard the Train to Nowhere

2021 kicked off with a brand new episode of Doctor Who! A big New Year's Dalek invasion special, with lots of chaos, screaming and plenty of exterminations. Then there was that whole thing with the Doctor being locked up in space prison, my god, what a cliffhanger to leave us on! Fortunately, she escaped fairly quickly, with the help of who I hear you ask? Captain Jack Harkness of course! Just a few months after his brief appearance in Series 12, it had been an entire TEN YEARS since he had last appeared in the show. Wow!! However, this isn't about that, despite how much I'd like to indulge in my obsessions, there is something much different I'd like to talk about. Here is my attempt at speaking my mind, in a way anyone on youtube might talk to a camera, this is something I'm much more comfortable doing. So let's begin, shall we? Due to a pandemic taking the world by storm, I had to remain at home and experience the start of my second term of Universi...